Using Chamber with Django and managing environment variables

One of my favorite hosting setups is getting a cheap slice from Digital Ocean or your favorite provider, installing Docker Compose and Tailscale, and then fire-walling everything off except for port 443.

Whenever I want to host a new project, I copy a docker-compose.yml file to the server, and then I start it with `docker compose up -d'.

I run Watchtower in Docker on the server, which looks for new Docker images from GitHub Packages, pulls them, and restarts any updated containers.

I can update my projects, git push changes, and GitHub Actions will build and store a new container image for me.

My main pain point was juggling environment variables until someone pointed out Chamber, which manages environment variables well.

Since creating this setup, I have shared several GitHub Gists with curious friends, and my goal of this post is to serve as more of an overview of options than it is to be a comprehensive guide to using Chamber.


You’ll need an AWS account, some essential Docker and Compose knowledge, and to follow Chamber’s Installing instructions.

Setting up my environment

Ironically, my goal of eliminating individual environment variables led me to need four environment variables to bootstrap Chamber itself. The environment variables I’m using:


Dockerfile Setup

To make running Chamber running more straightforward, I used the segment/chamber Docker image, copied the /bin/chamber binary into my image, and configured it to run it as a ENTRYPOINT.

FROM segment/chamber:2.14 AS chamber

FROM python:3.11-slim-buster AS dev

FROM dev AS production
COPY --from=chamber /chamber /bin/chamber
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/chamber", "exec", "", "--"]

I prefer to namespace these variables based on the project and the environment I’m referencing, like

I am using a Docker entrypoint so that my secrets/environment variables work by default, whether running the image or overriding the default command, so I may shell into my container.

Docker Compose Setup

    entrypoint: /bin/chamber exec --
    command: gunicorn config.wsgi --bind

Please note that the entrypoint line is optional if you set it in your ENTRYPOINT setting in your DOCKERFILE.

Using Chamber

Now that you have seen how we use Chamber in Docker and Docker Compose, this is how we get things into Chamber.

Listing our projects

$ chamber list-services
$ chamber list

Write new settings

$ chamber write DJANGO_DEBUG true

Delete an existing setting

$ chamber delete DJANGO_DEBUG

Export our settings into a dotenv (.env) file

$ chamber export --format=dotenv

Consuming an env variable from Django

The environs project is my go-to for parsing environment variables. Here is an example of how to toggle Django’s debug mode.

import environs

env = environs.Env()

DEBUG = env.bool("DJANGO_DEBUG", default=False)


I’m happy to manage my environment variables from the command line without syncing files. Using Chamber with KMS increased my monthly AWS bill by $0.01, which is money well spent for the flexibility of using Chamber.


I had a good experience using the 1Password CLI for a recent client project to share and load secrets into the environment. If you are working with a team, consider checking it out for your team in case it’s a good fit. Check out their Load secrets into the environment docs.

Jeff Triplett @webology