Things I do every time I start a Django project

In the spirit of Brenton Cleeland’s Six things I do every time I start a Django project, my goal is to document and share my process since this often comes up.

Like Brenton, I have a lot of projects, and their scope may range from quick one-offs that might last a few hours to projects I have worked on for a decade or more.

Overview and upfront notes

I use pyenv to manage my Python versions, but I don’t go into any details here.

I use pyenv-virtualenvwrapper to manage what Python calls a “virtual environment,” which copies and symlinks files and folders where they need to be so that your Python projects are isolated from one another.

pyenv-virtualenvwrapper is also a pyenv-friendly fork of virtualenvwrapper.

Please note: To avoid even more confusion, please assume that at any time in this article, when I mention virtualenvwrapper or its various commands, I mean the pyenv-virtualenvwrapper version of these tools.

For more detail, see my article Python Development on macOS Notes: pyenv and pyenv-virtualenvwrapper.

Creating a new project

First, I need a folder to store all my project files. One nice feature of virtualenvwrapper is it can manage both my virtualenvs and where my projects live.

So my first step for a new project is to run mkvirtualenv {project_name}, where project_name is the name of the domain name or client that I’m working with. mkvirtualenv will then create a new virtual environment (virtualenv or venv is fine too) for me, make a new project folder for me to put my files into, and then transport me to this new project folder.

virtualenvwrapper also supports custom hooks, which is a fancy way of saying it runs a series of commands I tell it I want to run after it creates a virtualenv. These are a few of the custom steps that I run for my projects:

  • Create a Sublime Text project file so Alfred can detect it.
  • Create a Sublime Text pyrightconfig.json file, which enables LSP support for the project so that my code autocompletion works.
  • Create a Syncthing .stignore file.
  • Create a direnv .envrc file that loads my project’s environment variables.
  • Transports me into my projects folder.
  • Activate the new virtualenv, so Python is ready.
  • Install the latest version of pip, Python’s package manager.
  • Install the latest version of pip-tools, which I like to use for managing my project Python requirements.
  • Soon: Install the latest version of uv, which will soon replace pip-tools for me.

Even though most of my projects use Docker Compose, I still install my Python dependencies outside of Docker in the virtual environment so that my text editors and pyright can read them.

Create my Django app

Once I have a project folder and virtualenv set up, I must create a Django project. I use either my django-startproject or REVSYS’s Django starter template, which we call AlphaKit. Both projects aim to start jumpstart development and spend zero time configuring projects. Since my stater project is public, I will run this snippet to jumpstart it.

django-admin startproject \
    --extension=ini,py,yml \
    --template= \

I landed on config for my projects because I like consistency when switching between projects, and over a decade and a half, I have never had a naming collision with config. The name config tends to sort to the top of my folder listings, making copying and pasting configs from project to project easier.

Setup Git

  1. Now that I have my project started, I will run git init inside the project folder.
  2. bunx gitignore python to set standard files to ignore
  3. I will create a new repo on Git(Hub|Lab) and set it as a remote source for my project
  4. I will run gittower ., select which files I’m ready to commit, and write my initial commit message.
  5. I will git push from my terminal or GitTower and confirm that my new project is set up.

Switching projects

When I want to work on an existing project, I use virtualenv’s workon command to switch projects. workon {project_name} will transport me to the correct project folder and will activate my Python virtual environment so that I’m ready to work.

Do I need templates?

If my project needs templates, I’ll use a starter templates/base.html and the Tailwind CSS Play CDN.

I am a few years into using Tailwind CSS, and it’s my first choice for quickly bootstrapping a project. Despite the masto-hate, Tailwind CSS works for me and is vanilla CSS-friendly.

I like their Play CDN because I can start fiddling with Tailwind CSS with zero runtime and only one script tag to include in my HTML docs head.

Jeff Triplett @webology