Today I Learned
The Weekend Woodworker
🪚 It’s that time of year when I dust off my copy of “Equip Your Woodworking Shop For Less Than $1000” by Steve Ramsey, The Weekend Woodworker, appreciate all ten of my fingers, and print a fresh copy.
One set of my grandparents lived next door to me when I was a kid, and they had a fantastic wood shop. Everything is quick work when you have the right tool.
When starting from scratch, every project feels like it should be easy until you hit a wall of existential dread because you don’t have the right power tool, saw blade, or shop essential to complete it.
Steve’s guide is approachable, and I already have a few recommended tools, which takes the edge off. I need a good miter saw and, eventually, a table saw, for which Steve provides recommendations and links.
So here goes nothing. I just ordered my first compound miter saw and combination square. This is the one time I am okay with someone making an Amazon affiliate sale off of my clicking a link.
Sunday March 3, 2024