6️⃣0️⃣ Sixty days of blogging ✍️

Sixty days ago, I started blogging daily with my Wiggle Work friends. Our goal was to blog every day in February, and I’m happy to report that all five of us did.

When March rolled around, I had a dozen+ drafts that I never fully fleshed out, so I decided to keep going. I have over two dozen drafts in various states that I never published. I feel good about having plenty of content and ideas to keep writing. I don’t know what April will be like, but I feel comfortable about where I’m going.

Truthfully, the second month was much easier than the first, and there was no pressure to continue or not say what I want to say about something.

Friends, I encourage you to write and publish more on your blog. If you struggle with editing (I sure as hell do), copy and paste your work into Grammarly or LanguageTool to minimally edit and publish them. That process has been good enough for me. You don’t have to write daily, but I encourage you to publish more.

Jeff Triplett @webology