🚜 De-googling update 📉

After my 🔥 Drop Google Chrome and try out Vivaldi for a week, I dare youarticle, I have heard from a bunch of people, and it sounds like many of us have had similar thoughts about the need to de-googling our lives.

This article, how I de-googled (as much as possible), was also worth reading. I’m not as sold on picking services for their LLM savings value, but there is some solid advice with some good alternatives here.

Since I had a Fastmail account set up for a while, I started transitioning some of my main accounts to it. This will take a LONG time, but it’s no longer something I plan to do. Once everything is moved over, moving to a different email provider is much easier than when my email account is tied to an address I have little to no control over.


Jeff Triplett @webology