Today I Learned
🎸 Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at Liberty Hall
We had a rare outing tonight to see Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit play at Liberty Hall.
You are missing out if Liberty Hall is not on your bucket list of live music venues. We are spoiled here in Lawrence, Kansas, and this venue is one of the many reasons. This was a makeup show from when Jason had a virus and lost his voice a few months back.
I was lucky to meet half of the 400 Unit, the road manager, and several people who worked behind the scenes when their last show was called off. They were super friendly, and it was nice to see people who genuinely liked each other smiling and playing together on stage.
I’m thankful they allowed us to see them perform tonight.

Seeing a band’s name on the Liberty Hall Marquee still gives me chills after they perform.

Tuesday May 7, 2024