If you haven’t heard about Black Python Devs, Juneteenth is an excellent day to learn about this organization and how to support it.

If you haven’t heard about Black Python Devs, here is a quick overview:

Black Python Devs was created by its founder Jay Miller after seeing a trend of the same handful of Black developers speaking at major conferences, taking leadership positions, and dealing with the same challenges towards burnout.


I also want to share the goals of Black Python Devs:

Our goal is to become the largest community of Black Python Developers in the world and establish our community as a source for diverse leaders in the greater Python community.

We aim to:

  • Establish guidance, mentorship, and career support for Black Pythonistas around the world.
  • Create opportunities for the Python community to invest in local communities of Black Python Devs members
  • Increase participation of Black Python Devs members in existing Python community programs, events, and initiatives.

Follow them today

Juneteenth is also a wonderful day to follow them on Mastodon (248 followers) or on Xwitter (606 followers).

I would love to check these numbers tomorrow and see a non-zero increase in followers.

You can also financially support Black Python Devs through the GNOME Foundation by scrolling down to the Support Black Python Devs section of the website.


I am a Black Python Devs Leadership Advisor who has watched and supported this organization grow even before I was asked to join. This team is near and dear to my heart, and I invite you to follow them and help spread the message.