I have used this casey/just recipe to help backup and restore my Postgres databases from my Docker containers.

I work with a few machines, and it’s an excellent way to create a database dump from one machine and then restore it from another machine. I sometimes use it to test data migrations because restoring a database dump takes a few seconds.

I have been migrating from Docker to OrbStack, and the only real pain point is moving data from one volume to another. I sometimes need to switch between the two, so I have recipes set to back up and restore my database from one context to another.

# justfile

DATABASE_URL := env_var_or_default('DATABASE_URL', 'postgres://postgres@db/postgres')

# dump database to file
@pg_dump file='db.dump':
    docker compose run \
        --no-deps \
        --rm \
        db \
        pg_dump \
            --dbname "{{ DATABASE_URL }}" \
            --file /code/{{ file }} \
            --format=c \

# restore database dump from file
@pg_restore file='db.dump':
    docker compose run \
        --no-deps \
        --rm \
        db \
        pg_restore \
            --clean \
            --dbname "{{ DATABASE_URL }}" \
            --if-exists \
            --no-owner \
            --verbose \
            /code/{{ file }}

Shoutout to Josh Thomas for help on this recipe since we both iterated on this for several projects.