It’s been months since I published my weeknotes even though I have been drafting them. This week is more about getting back into the habit.


We have hosted family quite a bit over the last month. Our parents have also had two hip replacements (one last week and one three months ago) and a minor (it could have been much, much worse) wreck on their way to see us last weekend. Thankfully, everyone is safe and doing well.

My son is four games into recreation league basketball and had a breakout game this weekend. He was due for one and has been practicing a lot. He’s fun to watch, and sometimes it just clicks that he can take the ball away from someone or dribble in and score. He is also the best passer on his team and can dribble well.

The rest of our family is doing well, but we have been unexpectedly car shopping.

Community Work

2025 DSF Board Election Results—I was elected to the Django Software Foundation.

Side projects

Side Quests

My friend Adam let me borrow one of his spare NanoKVM units, which has been a lot of fun. I tested it on my older Intel NUC and an iPad Mini, and both just worked, which surprised me. The device can run Tailscale, too, and serves as a remote hardware KVM that can boot or install a remote machine. I ordered a five-pack of NanoKVMs a few weeks ago because I had a few machines that needed to access that were stuck on boot or other “press any key” prompts before the machines would finish booting.


I will defer to my Now page, which tracks the series, movies, and games I’m watching or playing with my kids. It’s primarily data-driven and automated, and I’m happy with it. I plan to add gear and other data types as I go.

New gear

I got a desk treadmill to relieve stress—instead, it stressed me out. I picked up one of these desk treadmills for work, but I haven’t gotten a chance to try it out yet. I found an extra-long power cord for it, which will work with my standing desk. I was surprised by how short the cord came.

Next week

It’s Thanksgiving week, and we are out of town to see family.