This UV shebang trick that Simon Willison linked up is a nice pattern, and I plan to rebuild some of my one-off scripts in my dotfiles using it.

Here is a demo that will print “hello python” using the Python Branding colors using the Rich library while letting UV install and manage rich for you.

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run
# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.10"
# dependencies = [
#     "rich",
# ]
# ///

from rich.console import Console
from rich.theme import Theme

python_theme = Theme(
        "pyyellow": "#ffde57",
        "pyblue": "#4584b6",

console = Console(theme=python_theme)

console.print("[pyyellow]hello[/pyyellow] [pyblue]python[/pyblue]", style="on #646464")

Assuming you have UV installed, and you save and chmod +x this file as, then you should be able to run it via ./

I suspect I can more easily bootstrap new machines using this trick without fewer worries about polluting my global system packages.