• Django








    Today I Learned

    πŸ€– "Agents" are Cheat Codes

    Lately, I have been trying to wrap my brain around AI Agents, so as a starting point, I have been using Pydantic AI’s Agent class/framework to build “Agents”.

    “Agent” is a loaded term. Pydantic AI’s usage is more or less a system prompt and a good API around adding tool calls and working with existing LLMs.

    I have written several experimental projects to help me quickly research and find answers to several areas of Django that confuse people, including myself. These ask-one-question bots do their best to fetch the resources they need to answer your questions.

    The three I have published publicly are:

    None of these are official resources of the Django Software Foundation, nor should they be considered “official” or even “legal” answers to any questions that may arise.

    The pattern I landed on for building the system prompts and pulling remote data has been a practical, quick way for me to get feedback and ask questions based on our existing material. I can change a local copy of the bylaws and then ask the Agent questions to see if my potential changes might be comprehensive enough for the Agent to answer.

    It effectively feels like running tests on governance to see if the Agent picks up on my changes.

    Our Cheat Codes

    These are cheat codes for a quick one-file Agent that one can quickly stand up and ask questions.

    • UV is a cheat code because it can quickly create a one-file Agent with dependencies and the version of Python needed to run the demo baked in.
    • Pydantic AI’s Agent class is a nice wrapper around a system prompt and can even create a dynamic system prompt. Having a global system prompt has a nice feel to it too.
    • Pydantic’s BaseModel creates structured data responses as a cheat code for processing unstructured text. If you haven’t seen this pattern yet, you can’t unsee it.
    • The Jina AI for cleaning up HTML into Markdown is an AI I have wanted for a decade+. I use it in dozens of apps for free, saving me hours of work.
    • The Python libraries Typer, Rich, and httpx may not seem like they are doing much, and I’m underutilizing them, but their Developer Experience (DX) is great, and they just work.

    More areas to explore

    Pydantic AI supports dynamic System Prompts, which might save me a few extra templating steps. They didn’t really click for me before I was writing this post.

    When I wrote my Django Agents, I had Pydantic AI’s Multi-agent Applications feature in mind. In theory, I want to ask my Django Agents a question and have it route my question to the appropriate Agent to get an answer.

    Function Tools or Tool Call is what inspired me to try out Pydantic AI. Function Tools are a way to give LLMs the ability to get information outside of their memory and system prompts when needed. I built one for reading and writing to my work calendar to help me manage my schedule. I didn’t use them for my suite of Django Agents, but when mixed with more real-time data they could be helpful.

    We could also refactor each Agent using a reusable tool call so we could assemble one Agent that can gather the information needed to answer common Django Governance questions. I don’t know if that would be effective. In theory, it might not be a bad fit after looking at their DuckDuckGoSearchTool example.

    Sunday March 2, 2025
  • UV

    πŸ”₯ The best "Animated This is Fine ZOOM Background" using UV and YT-DLP

    We could all use an “Animated This is Fine ZOOM Background” video in times like these.

    It’s not obvious how to download a video from YouTube.

    I tend to shy away from this outside of this background video explicitly created to be downloaded, so I came up with this one-liner using UV and yt-dlp, which will pull the video.

    $ uv run yt-dlp --format=mp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEg-9RvcnlY

    Hat tip to Maryanne Wachter for finding and recommending this background.

    Friday November 8, 2024
  • Python




    Today I Learned

    🀷 UV does everything or enough that I'm not sure what else it needs to do

    UV feels like one of those old infomercials where it solves everything, which is where we have landed in the Python world.

    I have had several discussions with friends about UV, and even when we talk about it during my weekly(ish) office hours, the list has grown to an ever-growing number of options.

    UV started as a quicker way of installing Python packages, and now it’s easier to tell people that UV does everything and to focus on what it doesn’t do.

    My favorite feature is that UV can now bootstrap a project to run on a machine that does not previously have Python installed, along with installing any packages your application might require.

    Here is my incomplete list of what UV does today:

    • uv pip install replaces pip install
    • uv venv replaces python -m venv
    • uv pip compile replaces pip-tools compile
    • uv pip sync replaces pip-tools sync
    • uv run replaces pipx
    • uv tool run replaces pipx
    • uv python replaces pyenv, asdf, mise, and several other like-minded tools
    • uv build - Build your Python package for pypi
    • uv publish - Upload your Python package to pypi
    • astral-sh/setup-uv brings UV to GitHub Actions
    • ghcr.io/astral-sh/uv:latest brings UV and Python to Docker

    I copied these four from uv --help, which feels like poetry features.

    • uv add - Add dependencies to the project
    • uv remove - Remove dependencies from the project
    • uv sync - Update the project’s environment
    • uv lock - Update the project’s lockfile

    So what doesn’t UV do?

    UV does a lot, but it still needs to do everything.

    • UV doesn’t run custom scripts defined in our pyproject.toml like npm-run-script allows. Thank you to @command_tab for jogging my memory.
    • UV doesn’t convert my non-UV-based projects to UV. Converting is more about prefixing and replacing my commands to switch over.
    • UV doesn’t manage, and bump version numbers like the BumpVer, and others do.
    • UV doesn’t manage pre-commit like hooks. This is a long shot, but I’d love to see support via pyproject.toml.
    • UV doesn’t replace Python, nor should it.
    Sunday November 3, 2024
  • Python






    Today I Learned

    πŸ““ My notes on publishing a Python package with UV and building a custom GitHub Action for files-to-claude-xml

    My new Python application files-to-claude-xml is now on PyPI, which means they are packaged and pip installable. My preferred way of running files-to-claude-xml is via UV’s tool run, which will install it if it still needs to be installed and then execute it.

    $ uv tool run files-to-claude-xml --version

    Publishing on PyPi with UV

    UV has both build and publish commands, so I took them for a spin today.

    uv build just worked, and a Python package was built.

    When I tried uv publish, it prompted me for some auth settings for which I had to log in to PyPI to create a token.

    I added those to my local ENV variables I manage with direnv.

    export UV_PUBLISH_PASSWORD=<your-PyPI-token-here>
    export UV_PUBLISH_USERNAME=__token__

    Once both were set and registered, uv publish published my files on PyPI.

    GitHub Action

    To make files-to-claude-xml easier to run on GitHub, I created a custom action to build a _claude.xml from the GitHub repository.

    To use this action, I wrote this example workflow, which runs from files-to-claude-xml-example

    name: Convert Files to Claude XML
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - uses: actions/checkout@v4
        - name: Convert files to Claude XML
          uses: jefftriplett/files-to-claude-xml-action@main
            files: |
            output: '_claude.xml'
            verbose: 'true'
        - name: Upload XML artifact
          uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
            name: claude-xml
            path: _claude.xml

    My GitHub action is built with a Dockerfile, which installs files-to-claude-xml.

    # Dockerfile
    FROM ghcr.io/astral-sh/uv:bookworm-slim
    RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
        --mount=type=bind,source=uv.lock,target=uv.lock \
        --mount=type=bind,source=pyproject.toml,target=pyproject.toml \
        uv sync --frozen --no-install-project
    WORKDIR /app
    ENTRYPOINT ["uvx", "files-to-claude-xml"]

    To turn a GitHub repository into a runnable GitHub Action, an action.yml file needs to exist in the repository. This file describes the input arguments and which Dockerfile or command to run.

    # action.yml
    name: 'Files to Claude XML'
    description: 'Convert files to XML format for Claude'
        description: 'Input files to process'
        required: true
        type: list
        description: 'Output XML file path'
        required: false
        default: '_claude.xml'
        description: 'Enable verbose output'
        required: false
        default: 'false'
        description: 'Display the version number'
        required: false
        default: 'false'
      using: 'docker'
      image: 'Dockerfile'
        - ${{ join(inputs.files, ' ') }}
        - --output
        - ${{ inputs.output }}
        - ${{ inputs.verbose == 'true' && '--verbose' || '' }}
        - ${{ inputs.version == 'true' && '--version' || '' }}

    Overall, this works. Claude’s prompting helped me figure it out, which felt fairly satisfying given the goal of files-to-claude-xml.

    Wednesday October 16, 2024
  • Django





    βš™οΈ UV with GitHub Actions to run an RSS to README project

    For my personal GitHub profile, I list my activities, affiliations, and the latest updates from some of my projects.

    Historically, I have used JasonEtco/rss-to-readme GitHub Action to fetch a few RSS feeds or two and to update my README a few times a day.

    Overall, I’m happy with this setup. I used it on the Django News GitHub Organization to pull in newsletter issues, jobs, and the latest videos from our various projects. When I tried to install rss-to-readme in our repo, I was getting node12 errors. (Have I mentioned how much I loathe node/npm?).

    Instead of forking rss-to-readme and trying to figure out how to upgrade it, I used this as an excuse to “pair program” with Claude. We quickly built out a prototype using Python and the feedparser library.

    I would share the chat log, but it’s mostly me trying out a few different ways to invoke it before I settle on the finished approach. See the source code over on GitHub if you are curious: https://github.com/django-news/.github/blob/main/fetch-rss.py

    Once I had a working Python script that could fetch an RSS file and modify the README, I decided to run/deploy it using UV to see how minimal I could build out the GitHub Action.

    GitHub Action

    To run our fetch-rss.py script, we have four steps:

    1. actions/checkout Get a git checkout of our project.
    2. astral-sh/setup-uv Setup UV also installs Pythons for us. As a bonus, we enabled UV’s cache support, which will run much faster in the future unless we change something in our fetch-rss.py file.
    3. Run uv run fetch-rss.py ... to fetch our RSS feeds and write them to disk. uv run installs any dependencies and caches them before our fetch-rss.py runs.
    4. stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action If our README.md file has changed, save our changes and commit them back to git and into our README.

    Our schedule.yml GitHub Action workflow runs twice daily or whenever we push a new change to our repo. We also set workflow_dispatch, which gives us a button to run the script manually.

    # .github/workflows/schedule.yml
    name: Update README
          - main
        # Once a day at 12 AM
        - cron: 0 12 * * *
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          contents: write
          - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          - name: Install uv
            uses: astral-sh/setup-uv@v3
              enable-cache: true
              cache-dependency-glob: |
          - name: Fetch our Feeds
            run: |
              # Fetch latest Django News Newsletter entries
              uv run fetch-rss.py \
                  --section=news \
                  --readme-path=profile/README.md \
          - uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
              commit_message: ":pencil: Updates README"


    Overall, I’m pleased with this solution. If I wanted to spend more time on it or re-use this workflow, I might turn it into a GitHub Action workflow so that we can call: django-news/rss-to-readme to use in other projects. For now, this is fine.

    I’m happy with the astral-sh/setup-uv and uv run steps because they save me from having to set up Python and then install our project dependencies as separate steps.

    I normally shy away from running Python workflows like this in GitHub Actions because they involve a lot of slow steps. This entire workflow takes 16 to 20 seconds to run, which feels fast to me.

    Saturday October 5, 2024
  • Django






    Today I Learned

    🀠 UV Roundup: Five good articles and a pre-commit tip

    I have written quite a bit about UV on my micro blog, and I am happy to see more and more people adopt it. I have stumbled on so many good articles recently that I wanted to share them because every article points out something new or different about why UV works well for them.

    If you are new to UV, it’s a new tool written by Astral, the creators of Ruff.

    I like UV because it replaces, combines, or complements a bunch of Python tools into one tool and user developer experience without forcing a UV way of doing it. UV effectively solves the question, “Why do I need another Python tool?” to do everyday Python tasks.

    Some reason I like UV after using it for months:

    • It’s a faster pip and is really, really fast
    • It can install and manage Python versions
    • It can run and install Python scripts
    • It can run single-file Python scripts along with their dependencies
    • It can handle project lock files

    While some people don’t care about UV being fast, it’s shaved minutes off my CI builds and container rebuilds, which means it has also saved me money and energy resources.

    Overall thoughts on UV

    Oliver Andrich’s UV β€” I am (somewhat) sold takes the approach of only using UV to set up a new Python environment. Oliver uses UV to install Python, aliases to call Python, and UV tool install to set up a few global utilities.

    Using UV with Django

    AnΕΎe Pečar’s UV with Django shows how to use UV to set up a new project with Django.

    Switching from pyenv to UV

    Will Guaraldi Kahn-Greene’s Switching from pyenv to uv was relatable for me because I also use pyenv, but I plan to slowly migrate to using only UV. I’m already halfway there, but I will have pyenv for my legacy projects for years because many aren’t worth porting yet.

    Using UV and managing with Ansible

    Adam Johnson’s Python: my new uv setup for development taught me to use uv cache prune to clean up unused cache entries and shows how he manages his UV setup using Ansible.

    Some notes on UV

    Simon Willison’s Notes on UV is an excellent summary of Oliver’s notes.

    A parting UV tip

    If you are a pre-commit fan hoping for a version that supports UV, the pre-commit-uv project does just that. I started updating my justfile recipes to bake just lint to the following uv run command, which speeds up running and installing pre-commit significantly.

    $ uv run --with pre-commit-uv pre-commit run --all-files

    If you are attending DjangoCon US…

    If you are attending DjangoCon US and want to talk UV, Django, Django News, Django Packages, hit me up while you are there.

    I’ll be attending, volunteering, organizing, sponsoring, and sprinting around the venue in Durham, NC, for the next week starting this Friday.

    We still have online and in-person tickets, but not much longer!

    Thursday September 19, 2024
  • Django





    🚜 Using Claude 3.5 Sonnet to refactor one of Brian Okken's Python projects

    Brian Okken posted and published his Top pytest Plugins script and then a follow-up post, Finding the top pytest plugins, which was pretty cool.

    I have written a few throw-away scripts, which William Vincent wrote about and updated a few times in the Top 10 Django Third-Party Packages (2024) and The 10 Most-Used Django Packages (2024).

    These efforts are powered by Hugo van Kemenade’s excellent Top PyPI Packages.

    This inspired me to fork Brian’s top-pytest-plugins project, which I updated to support passing in other package names like “django” to get a rough estimate of monthly package downloads.

    The refactored project is jefftriplett/top-python-packages.

    Please note: Looking at the package name doesn’t scale as well for projects that have their own Trove classifiers. For a project like pytest, it works well. Many of the top packages may not even have Django in their name for a project like Django. Some projects may even actively discourage a project from using their project in their package’s name for trademark reasons. So, YMMV applies here.


    I added uv run support, which I have written about a lot lately.

    I also copied the top_pytest.py file into a Claude 3.5 Sonnet session, and I let it handle the whole refactor. It even handled adding the PEP 723 new package dependencies without me asking it to.

    In case it’s useful to anyone, here are my prompts:

    ## Prompt:
    Please update this script to use a rich table.
    ## Prompt:
    Please update the table styles to be ascii so I can copy and paste it into a markdown doc
    ## Prompt:
    Please remove the description column
    ## Prompt:
    Please change all PyTest and pytest references to Django and django
    ## Prompt:
    Please add back `if 'django' in project.lower() and 'django' != project.lower():`
    ## Prompt:
    please remove the \*# Export to markdown section. I can just pipe the output \*
    ## Prompt:
    Please add the typer library.
    ## Prompt:
    Please remove days and limit
    ## Prompt:
    Please refactor the script to allow me to pass the package name instead of django. You can default to django though.
    This way I can pass pytest or flask or other projects.
    ## Prompt:
    Please change the default Table box type to MARKDOWN


    I don’t usually write about Claude or prompts, but the tool has been handy lately.

    If you have had some similar successes, let me know. I have been exploring some rabbit holes, and it’s changing the way I approach solving problems.

    Sunday August 25, 2024
  • Django






    Today I Learned

    πŸ““ UV Run Django Notes

    I wanted to know how hard it would be to turn one of my django-startproject projects into a uv run friendly project. As it turns out, it worked, and the steps were more than reasonable.

    Before the PEP 723’ing…

    I started with a fairly vanilla manage.py that Django will give you after running python -m manage startproject.

    """Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks."""
    import os
    import sys
    def main():
        """Run administrative tasks."""
        os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings")
            from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
        except ImportError as exc:
            raise ImportError(
                "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
                "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
                "forget to activate a virtual environment?"
            ) from exc
    if __name__ == "__main__":


    Then we add #!/usr/bin/env -S uv run to the top of our manage.py file.

    Next, we make our manage.py executable and try to run it.

    $ chmod +x manage.py
    $ ./manage.py
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'django'

    Our script ran, but Python couldn’t find Django. To tell our script to install Django, we can use uv addβ€”- script to add it.

    $ uv add --script manage.py django
    Updated `manage.py`
    $ ./manage.py
    Type 'manage.py help <subcommand>' for help on a specific subcommand.
    Available subcommands:
    Note that only Django core commands are listed as settings are not properly configured (error: No module named 'environs').

    Django worked as expected this time, but Python could not find a few third-party libraries I like to include in my projects.

    To add these, I passed the other four to uv add --script which will add them to the project.

    $ uv add --script manage.py django-click "environs[django]" psycopg2-binary whitenoise
    Updated `manage.py`
    $ ./manage.py

    Our Django app’s manage.py works when we run it.

    After the PEP 723’ing…

    After we installed our dependencies in our manage.py file, they were added to the top of the file between the /// blocks.

    #!/usr/bin/env -S uv run
    # /// script
    # requires-python = ">=3.10"
    # dependencies = [
    #     "django",
    #     "django-click",
    #     "environs[django]",
    #     "psycopg2-binary",
    #     "whitenoise",
    # ]
    # ///
    """Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks."""
    import os
    import sys
    def main():
        """Run administrative tasks."""
        os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "config.settings")
            from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
        except ImportError as exc:
            raise ImportError(
                "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
                "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
                "forget to activate a virtual environment?"
            ) from exc
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    Friday August 23, 2024
  • Python



    🐍 Python UV run with shebangs

    This UV shebang trick that Simon Willison linked up is a nice pattern, and I plan to rebuild some of my one-off scripts in my dotfiles using it.

    Here is a demo that will print “hello python” using the Python Branding colors using the Rich library while letting UV install and manage rich for you.

    #!/usr/bin/env -S uv run
    # /// script
    # requires-python = ">=3.10"
    # dependencies = [
    #     "rich",
    # ]
    # ///
    from rich.console import Console
    from rich.theme import Theme
    python_theme = Theme(
            "pyyellow": "#ffde57",
            "pyblue": "#4584b6",
    console = Console(theme=python_theme)
    console.print("[pyyellow]hello[/pyyellow] [pyblue]python[/pyblue]", style="on #646464")

    Assuming you have UV installed, and you save and chmod +x this file as hello-python.py, then you should be able to run it via ./hello-python.py.

    I suspect I can more easily bootstrap new machines using this trick without fewer worries about polluting my global system packages.

    Thursday August 22, 2024
  • Python



    🐍 UV Updates and PEP 723: Simplifying Python Packaging and Scripting

    The uv: Unified Python packaging update brings fresh air to the Python community, with several improvements streamlining the development process. One exciting addition is an early preview of PEP 723, also known as Single-file scripts.

    The Single-file scripts feature particularly caught my attention due to its potential to simplify the distribution and execution of small Python projects. Streamlining the process is highly appealing to someone who frequently creates GitHub Gists and shares them privately and publicly.

    With this new feature, I can now instruct users to run uv run main.py without explaining what a venv or virtualenv is, plus a long list of requirements that need to be passed to pip install.

    I had the opportunity to test this feature over lunch today. While adding libraries to the script was straightforward, I encountered a few hurdles when I forgot to invoke uv run in my virtual environment (venv). This makes sense, given that it’s a new habit, but it highlights the importance of adapting to changes in our development workflow.

    Overall, the UV: Unified Python packaging update and the introduction of Single-file scripts mark a significant step in simplifying Python development. As developers become more familiar with these improvements, we expect increased adoption and smoother collaboration on small-scale projects.

    Bonus Example

    I looked through some of my recent visits, and one I recently shared with a few conference organizer friends was a one-off script I used to read several YouTube video JSON files that I’m using to bootstrap another project. It was the first time I used DuckDB to make quick work of reading data from a bunch of JSON files using SQL.

    Overall, I was happy with DuckDB and what PEP 723 might bring to the future of Python apps, even if my example only does a little.

    # To run this application, use:
    #   uv run demo-duckdb.py
    # /// script
    # requires-python = ">=3.10"
    # dependencies = [
    #     "duckdb",
    #     "rich",
    #     "typer",
    # ]
    # ///
    import duckdb
    import typer
    from rich import print
    def main():
        result = duckdb.sql("SELECT id,snippet FROM read_json('json/*.json')").fetchall()
        for row in result:
            id, snippet = row
            print("-" * 80)
            print(snippet["thumbnails"].get("maxres") or snippet.get("standard"))
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Overall, the future is bright with UV and PEP 723 may bring us. I’m excited to have more one-file Python apps that are easier to share and run with others.

    PEP 723 also opens the door to turning a one-file Python script into a runnable Docker image that doesn’t even need Python on the machine or opens the door for Beeware and Briefcase to build standalone apps.

    Wednesday August 21, 2024
  • Django





    Python's UV tool is even better

    Last month, I wrote Python’s UV tool is actually pretty good about Astral’s new Python package installer and resolver uv, and this is a follow-up post.

    Since last month, I have added uv to over a dozen projects, and I recently learned that you could skip the venv step for projects that use containers or CI where the environment is already isolated.

    I mistakenly thought uv required a virtual environment (aka venv), but Josh Thomas recently pointed out that it’s unnecessary.

    The trick is to pass the --system option, and uv will perform a system-wide install. Here’s an example:

    uv pip install --system --requirement requirement.txt

    Now that I have seen this, I wish pip also used this approach to avoid developers accidentally installing third-party packages globally.

    local development

    Nothing has changed with my justfile example from last month.

    When I’m working with containers, I create a virtual environment (venv) because I will need most of my project requirements installed outside of the container so that my text editor and LSP can resolve dependencies. uv’s default behavior of respecting a venv is all we need here.

    Every one of my projects has a justfile (it’s like Make but works the same everywhere) with “bootstrap” and “lock” recipes. My “bootstrap” recipe installs everything I need to work with the project locally. I use my “lock” recipe to lock my requirements.txt file to use the exact requirements locally and in production.

    justfile before

    My justfile might look like this:

        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        python -m pip install --upgrade --requirement requirements.in
    @lock *ARGS:
        python -m piptools compile {{ ARGS }} ./requirements.in \
            --resolver=backtracking \
            --output-file requirements.txt

    justfile after

    For the most part, uv shares most of the same syntax as pip so you can start by changing your pip references to uv pip:

        python -m pip install --upgrade pip uv
        python -m uv pip install --upgrade --requirement requirements.in
    @lock *ARGS:
        python -m uv pip compile {{ ARGS }} requirements.in \
            --resolver=backtracking \
            --output-file requirements.txt


    Everyone’s container setup is going to be different, but I use Docker and Orbstack, which use a Dockerfile.

    Dockerfile before

    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip
    COPY requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
    RUN pip install --requirement /src/requirements.txt
    WORKDIR /src/

    Dockerfile after

    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip uv  # this is updated
    COPY requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
    RUN uv pip install --system --requirement /src/requirements.txt  # this is updated
    WORKDIR /src/

    GitHub Actions

    GitHub Actions are a little more complicated to explain, but my workflows started similar to this before I made the switch to uv:

    main.yml before

      - name: Set up Python 3.12
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
                python -m pip install --requirement requirements.in

    main.yml after

    The most significant pain point I ran into was related to GitHub Issue #1386, which has a useable workaround.

      - name: Set up Python 3.12
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install --upgrade uv  # this is new
          python -m uv pip install --system --requirement requirements.in  # this is updated      


    The only gotchas I have encountered with uv is when I’m trying to install a Python package from a remote zip file.

    Previously, I could copy and paste the GitHub repo URL, but uv required we use the format package-name @ url-to-zip-file

    requirements.in before

    # requirements.in

    requirements.in after

    # requirements.in
    django-feedreader @ https://github.com/jefftriplett/django-feedreader/archive/main.zip


    This update helps remove a few steps from updating your projects, and it should shave a few minutes off of updating projects to use it.

    I hope this was helpful to anyone who is considering making the switch to uv. I love to hear about how much time it saves you.

    Thursday March 14, 2024
  • Python



    Python's UV tool is actually pretty good

    I carved out some time recently to start playing with the new Python package installer and resolver, uv.

    uv makes big promises and claims to be 10-100x faster than pip and pip-tools. From my experiments over the last few weeks, it lives up to this promise.

    I’m using it locally for my virtual environments, in my Dockerfiles to rebuild my containers, and for CI using GitHub Actions. Across the board, anything I do with pip or pip-tools is remarkably faster.

    My average GitHub Actions CI workflows dropped from ~2 minutes to 50 seconds. This cuts the minutes I use in half and, in theory, my monthly bill in half.

    My goal in sharing my configs is more “show” than “tell' because I will copy and paste these for weeks and months to come.

    local development

    Every one of my projects has a justfile (it’s like Make but works the same everywhere) with “bootstrap” and “lock” recipes. My “bootstrap” recipe installs everything I need to work with the project locally. I use my “lock” recipe to lock my requirements.txt file so that I’m using the exact requirements locally and in production.

    justfile before

    My justfile might look like this:

        python -m pip install --upgrade pip
        python -m pip install --upgrade --requirement requirements.in
    @lock *ARGS:
        python -m piptools compile {{ ARGS }} ./requirements.in \
            --resolver=backtracking \
            --output-file ./requirements.txt

    justfile after

    For the most part, uv shares most of the same syntax as pip so you can start by changing your pip references to uv pip:

        python -m pip install --upgrade pip uv
        python -m uv pip install --upgrade --requirement requirements.in
    @lock *ARGS:
        python -m uv pip compile {{ ARGS }} ./requirements.in \
            --resolver=backtracking \
            --output-file ./requirements.txt


    Everyone’s container setup is going to be different, but I use Docker and Orbstack, which use a Dockerfile.

    Dockerfile before

    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip
    COPY requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
    RUN pip install --requirement /src/requirements.txt
    WORKDIR /src/

    Dockerfile after

    FROM python:3.12-slim-bookworm
    ENV PATH /venv/bin:$PATH. # this is new
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip uv  # this is updated
    RUN python -m uv venv /venv  # this is new
    COPY requirements.txt /src/requirements.txt
    RUN uv pip install --requirement /src/requirements.txt  # this is updated
    WORKDIR /src/

    GitHub Actions

    GitHub Actions are a little harder to explain, but my workflows started off similar to this before I made the switch to uv:

    main.yml before

      - name: Set up Python 3.12
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
                python -m pip install --requirement requirements.in
      - name: Collect Static Assets
        run: |
                python -m manage collectstatic --noinput

    main.yml after

    The biggest pain point that I ran into along the way was related to GitHub Issue #1386, which has a useable workaround.

      - name: Set up Python 3.12
        uses: actions/setup-python@v5
          python-version: '3.12'
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          python -m pip install uv
          python -m uv venv .venv
          echo "VIRTUAL_ENV=.venv" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "$PWD/.venv/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
          python -m uv pip install --requirement requirements.in      
      - name: Collect Static Assets
        run: |
          . .venv/bin/activate
          python -m manage collectstatic --noinput      


    I hope this was helpful to anyone who is considering making the switch to uv. I love to hear about how much time it saves you.


    2024-03-08 - I modified the ENV PATH statement to prepend instead of replacing the value.

    Thursday February 29, 2024