🏗️ Slash pages and recent website changes
As part of my recent Echofeed discovery, I updated my now page to list the most recent video games I’m playing and movies and series I’m watching. These are all data streams that Echofeed collects and publishes for me.
Now that I have this data, it inspired me to create stand-alone pages for my games, movies, and series pages, which I will slowly backfill over time.
This process is 90% automated and 10% of the time, I copy cover images from various sources. When I switch from RSS feeds to a few API calls, I can fully automate this process, but for now, this is fine.
I also created a slashes page, which was inspired by the slash pages project. This page lists all of my existing slash pages and some I plan to make as my website grows. As I build the page, I will start linking back to them.
One example of a slash page is my defaults page, which started as one of my first micro.blog posts. As my defaults change over time, I plan to update this new defaults page, and if enough changes, I’ll publish my notes and updates via a new micro.blog post.
Overall, I like both of these workflows for my media consumption and my slashes pages. It feels maintainable and gives me an excuse to write more.