• Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 28: July 8 to 14

    I’m running a week behind on this.

    This week was our first week back home without traveling in a month, and it felt good to be home. I had time to catch up on mowing the yard, and I treated the yard with an eco-safe mosquito repellent. Despite the hot weather, Sunday felt nice outside to be mosquito-free.

    I rolled my above-ground sprinkler system A few years ago, and I still need to install and run it this year. I wanted to get it this weekend, and here we are.


    I converted my daughter’s crib to a daybed over the weekend, and we have been using it for two nights and two naps without any issues. My son took to the board game Risk in Chicago, so I installed the iPad version and walked him through it. It was a pizza and tacos weekend because it was a long week.


    Occasionally, a project feels like you signed up for a race, but the distance keeps changing whenever you are within sight of the finish line. A project we have been finishing up keeps growing.

    Community Work

    Side projects

    • Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #241.

    • Django News Jobs: This week, we picked up more jobs that weren’t from one source. I need to write a tool to help maintain this, but it’s a manageable load.

    • I bought a new domain name for a project this weekend. More on that soon.

    Side Quests

    • I dusted off my YouTube-to-Frontmatter tool and added the ability to pull playlists from a given username. I wrote the files out as JSON and used DuckDB to query them, which worked amazingly well.

    • I wrote an Amazon product image downloader for a few blog posts. When the product API did not work, I punted and had ChatGPT write a playwright scraper. It was faster and much less frustrating. I need this for several projects.

    • I cleaned up my sitemaps research tool.

    • I tried out a screenshots-to-code project and ran some 00s-era websites through it that I wish still existed. If someone wants to give me a few years of funding, I think we can make the web not suck again.


    2024-07-14🔥 Why I deleted Firefox from my machines this weekend I no longer trust or believe in Mozilla, so I deleted Firefox from my machines this weekend. ➜ brew …

    2024-07-13🦆 DuckDB may be the tool you didn’t know you were missing 🤔 I haven’t fully figured out DuckDB yet, but it’s worth trying out if you are a Python …

    2024-07-12🚜 macOS Bartender app to Ice app I upgraded my Macs to macOS Sonoma a few weeks ago. While everything has been uneventful, the …

    2024-07-11🎮 8BitDo Golden/Silver Limited Edition controllers My favorite third-party video game hardware company, 8BitDo, announced its 11th-anniversary limited …

    2024-07-10📅 Office Hours for July 12th Office Hours returns this Friday, July 12th, 2024, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm Central Time. ℹ️ Anyone …

    2024-07-09🔓 Sharing is Caring: How a Simple Sudo Question Led to Better Solutions One of the fun discoveries of blogging is finding your article in search results while trying to …

    2024-07-08📓 Weeknotes for Week 27: July 1 to 7 The last week was a blur between the holiday, travel, and cramming a lot of work. My notes this week …


    📺 Vikings: Valhalla

    📺 The Marvels (2023) - This movie was better than people gave it credit for. It wasn’t my favorite, but it was fun to watch.

    📺 Defending Jacob - I skipped to the end of this series.

    📺 The Last Thing He Told Me - I skipped to the end of this series.

    📺 Presumed Innocent - I surprised myself that I’m still keeping up with this series, but there are only a few weeks left.

    📺 The Acolyte - We are ready for the last episode.

    📺 Atlas (2024) - I didn’t go into this movie with any expectations, and I immensely enjoyed it.

    Next week

    I’m solo-parenting next weekend. I’m looking forward to hanging out with my kids and another weekend of being home.

    Saturday July 20, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 27: July 1 to 7

    The last week was a blur between the holiday, travel, and cramming a lot of work. My notes this week are more glossed over than most


    We drove to Illinois (near Chicago) to see family this week. We had family from both coasts who we don’t see very often, and it was the first time much of the family met my youngest, Nora. It takes us 8 to 8.5 hours to drive there, and people are always amazed at how good my kids are at traveling these distances. They both love the extra screen time and are easy to travel with. We can hand each one an iPad, and they are set for hours, given enough snacks and a rest stop every few hours.


    It was a short two-day week, but I got a bonus third day of work between fitting a few hours in the car and half a day on Friday. This was nice because we are wrapping up an existing client project while ramping up on another project.

    This has also made me realize that Django has many shopping cart projects, but they all seem to be outdated. We struggled to find a project we could use, which made me realize that the Django community is sorely missing a good shopping cart and checkout experience that works.

    Community Work

    Djangonaut Space: All three Djangonaut Space Team Neptune members have made meaningful contributions early in the process, and now I’m feeling the pressure to detail and share some more advanced projects so they can have tasks for the duration of the project.

    Django Code of Conduct WG: We have prioritized keeping up as we get new members used to contributing. This week, was a busy week.

    Side projects

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #240.

    Django News Jobs: We have had code to aggregate some other Django job boards, and this week, we started allowing those to come through.


    This week, I was back on track, and I wrote and published something every day. It was my first day of giving myself a buffer so that I am always writing tomorrow’s post, which took the edge and pressure off. I am still writing every day, but with the holiday, it was nice knowing I didn’t have to fit it in on our last day in Chicago, which ended up being a really long, full day with family.

    2024-07-07🧰 More fun with Django Extensions using shell_plus and graph_models Yesterday, I wrote about Django Extensions show_urls management command because it’s useful. I …

    2024-07-06Django Extensions is useful even if you only use show_urls Yes, Django Extensions package is worth installing, especially for its show_urls command, which can …

    2024-07-05📅 No Office Hours on July 5th, but… No Office Hours this week (July 5th), but we will return next Friday, July 12th, 2024, 2:30 pm to …

    2024-07-04🎆 🤖 Happy AIndependence Day To everyone in the United States, Happy Independence Day and Happy AIndependence Day to everyone …

    2024-07-03🗳️ PSF Elections how I am voting This was written while driving to Chicago (technically from the passenger seat). Still, a few people …

    2024-07-02💬 On the PSF Bylaw changes The Python Software Foundation has three bylaw changes up for a vote in this year’s election. …

    2024-07-01📓 Weeknotes for Week 26: June 24 to 30 Family I took two days off for a funeral and some other family stuff. I saw cousins and other …


    📺 Sweet Tooth - I really liked this series.

    📺 Presumed Innocent - I watched the first five episodes, and it’s okay.

    📺 The Last Thing He Told Me - I just started this series on Sunday night and am unsure if I’ll finish it.

    Next week

    It’s my first whole week back in a while. I’m looking forward to catching up and mowing my yard while listening to podcasts. I need to catch up on house stuff, including running my homemade above-ground sprinkler system. (Chill; we live near the Kansas River.)

    Monday July 8, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 26: June 24 to 30


    I took two days off for a funeral and some other family stuff. I saw cousins and other relatives who I only see at funerals, which is starting to feel like a habit.


    I was mentally blocked on a project, or at least the part I was putting off returning to. Something finally clicked over the weekend, and I worked through it. I hate working the weekends, which our company frowns upon. I didn’t expect to be out two days this week, and I’m out for the holiday most of the next week, so I tried to get caught up and ahead.

    Community Work

    Djangonaut Space: Week 2 kicked off, and I had to push our weekly standup back a week due to the funeral. No idea, but our Djangonauts are doing good work and working through their first issues.

    Side projects

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #239.

    Django News Jobs: I had a weird issue that forced me to downgrade Python 3.12 to 3.11 to fix something internally that broke Pydantic. I’ll switch back in a few weeks, but I’m still annoyed by it.

    Overall, I just treaded water this week.


    I shifted my writing schedule around this weekend so that I am a day ahead. I want to get four or five days ahead so that I have a nice publishing schedule to work with. I still plan on writing daily, but I like having more wiggle room.

    2024-06-30🐳 Using Just and Compose for interactive Django and Python debugging sessions When I wrote REST APIs, I spent weeks and months writing tests and debugging without looking at the …

    2024-06-29🐘 Docker Postgres Autoupgrades Upgrading Postgres in Docker environments can be daunting, but keeping your database up-to-date is …

    2024-06-28🐘 A Just recipe to backup and restore a Postgres database I have used this casey/just recipe to help backup and restore my Postgres databases from my Docker …

    2024-06-27📅 Office Hours for June 28th It’s been a week, but I’m hosting Office Hours this Friday at 2:30 pm. I was on the …

    2024-06-25🐳 Managing Docker Compose Profiles with Just: Switching Between Default and Celery Configurations For a recent client project, we wanted to toggle between various Docker Compose profiles to run the …

    2024-06-24🚜 Mastodon Bookmark exporter to Markdown/Frontmatter I wrote a Mastodon Bookmark exporter tool over the weekend and decided to polish it up and release …


    📺 Presumed Innocent

    📺 Baby Reindeer

    📺 Dark Matter

    📺 The Acolyte - We got caught up, and OMG, it’s good.

    📺 The Flash (2023) - I couldn’t care less for the Flash, but I really enjoyed seeing Michael Keaton’s Batman again.

    Next week

    We are spending our holiday in Illinois to see family. It’ll be the first time my youngest has met several family members flying in for the holiday.

    Monday July 1, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    Weeknotes for Week 25: June 17 to 23

    Last week, my side of the family drove out to Colorado Springs, Colorado, and we rented a house for the week. The trip was great; seeing family was good, and watching the kids spend time with family they don’t get to see very often was the highlight for me. The mountains were great, but I don’t want to ride a train from 8k to 14k feet of altitude soon.


    The last of my biological aunts and uncles passed away two nights before we left Colorado. We had some other unexpected news, and I hope we have better news after the funeral this week.


    I took the whole week off, so the only work this week was community work.

    Community Work

    Djangonaut Space: Week 1 kicked off, and we had our first team meeting. The meeting went well, and I have a follow-up meeting on Monday with one Djangonaut who couldn’t make it.

    General Python: I had a ton of messages from Python friends this week asking for advice on upcoming bylaws changes. I wrote up a few drafts, and I might get around to publishing one or the other.

    Side projects

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #238.

    Django Packages: More small updates and more on this sooner.

    I wrote a tool to export my Mastodon bookmarks. I tend to revisit these every day, and I wanted a way to create checklists for them and save them. I might find good content from the newsletter or posts I want to follow up on once I have more time.


    I wrote every day but only published for three days, including today. I wrote several drafts, but I mostly spent time with my family.

    2024-06-19💜 Follow Black Python Devs on Juneteenth If you haven’t heard about Black Python Devs, Juneteenth is an excellent day to learn about …

    2024-06-17Djangonaut Space has begun This is my first time helping out with Djangonaut Space as a Navigator for the Django Packages…


    📺 Leave the World Behind - I rewatched half of this movie with my mother and sister.

    📺 Hellboy - I didn’t realize I had missed this one. I liked it even if I don’t know much about the Hellboy story outside the other movies.

    Next week

    I am returning to work a day earlier than planned, but it will be a long, short week.

    Sunday June 23, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 22: May 27 to June 2

    It’s been a while since I posted weeknotes. So, I will include some previous entries and merge them all together.


    This week, I caught whatever flu/bug/virus my family had while I was at PyCon US. It was not fun, and even as of Sunday, I feel weaker than I care to admit or write. I’m COVID-negative, but my energy levels have gone from OK to drained.

    We are in summer mode, so my son is enrolled in various summer camps. I used to have both kids dropped off by 8 am, and camp starts at 9 am next week. This changes our routine and my working schedule week-by-week.


    We are wrapping up a three-month project, which I hope to have done before we take our family trip in a few weeks. I also have some projects for another client that I need to get worked on. It’ll be a busy few weeks.


    I reviewed 136 DjangoCon US Opportunity Grants over the weekend.

    I worked on some Djangonaut Spaces material for the week. We have a few intro meetings this next week. I have several small projects for which I need to finish creating issues.

    Side projects

    I transferred a dozen domains from Dynadot to Cloudflare over the weekend. Since not all TLDs are supported yet, I had to leave several domains on Dynadot, but most of my domains are now on Cloudflare, which saves a little bit of money and is easier to manage.

    Several projects gained EchoFeed support, making publishing an RSS/ATOM feed to Mastodon easier.

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #235.

    Django Packages: Small updates, and I shipped RSS/ATOM feeds for our Changelog.

    Upgrade Django: We had four updates this week, which is rare.

    I wrote a GitHub Issues sync tool that takes the open issues in a repo and saves them locally to markdown + front matter. The tool can also sync changes back.

    I wrote a sitemap research tool.


    I swapped out my micro blog’s theme for something bigger and easier to read.

    2024-06-01🎨 Slash Pages 

    2024-05-31📝 On EchoFeed 

    2024-05-30: Another day that will forever live in infamy for the United States.

    2024-05-29🙅 No Office Hours this week 

    2024-05-28: I’m sick update.

    2024-05-27🏡 This old house, Monday edition


    📺 Blood of Zeus: Season 2

    📺 Godzilla Minus One I haven’t seen many Godzilla movies, but I liked this one.

    📺 Madame Web - This movie was very different than the other Marvel movies and fell flat at the end.

    🎮 Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons - My son and I enjoy occasionally revisiting this game to play from start to finish.

    🎮 Dave the Diver: Godzilla - This DLC came out a week ago, and we had fun sprinting through it. Dave the Diver is one of my favorite games, and any excuse to return and explore a new storyline is a winner in my book.

    📺 Killing Eve - It took me years to finish this series.

    Slightly older

    📺 Space Jam: A New Legacy: My oldest has gotten into basketball and this was a fun family movie.

    📺 Dead Boy Detectives: I didn’t expect this series, but watching two ghosts solve mysteries was fun.

    🎮 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge: We hadn’t played this one in a while, so we primarily focused on leveling up the two new characters from the expansion.


    You’re a Blogger, Not an Essayist

    How I Set Up My Travel Router with Tailscale’s Mullvad Exit Nodes

    If A.I. Can Do Your Job, Maybe It Can Also Replace Your C.E.O.

    These $350 XR glasses gave me three virtual MacBook screens to work with - If I were buying a pair of XR gasses, these are what I’d buy for the three MacBook screens. I’d love to use these from my couch at night and on trips.

    I Replaced My Computer Monitor With AR Glasses, Here’s How It Went

    Slash Pages

    I Sold TinyPilot, My First Successful Business

    DuckDB Doesn’t Need Data To Be a Database

    Epic Gardening

    Next week

    More client work. I also have a much later work start all week, so I’ll shift my whole day back an hour and work later.

    Sunday June 2, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 19: May 6 to May 12

    What a week.


    My youngest was home most of the week with a virus, which changed everything about my week.

    We had a rare night out to see Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at Liberty Hall

    My family also had a birthday on Friday, my son’s friend’s birthday party on Saturday, and Mother’s Day today, so it was a busier than usual week for us and a sick kid all week.


    With my daughter sick, everything changed this week. I mostly worked on an e-commerce app on a rare Saturday to get my bearings.


    Conference Chats: We had our monthly Wednesday night meetup.

    Office Hours: I hosted Friday Office Hours.

    Side projects

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #232.

    Django Packages: I mostly worked on some notes and task ideas for Djangonaut Space.

    Upgrade Django: We had four updates this week, which is rare.


    I wrote and published every day. I started writing and publishing on my https://micro.webology.dev every day since February 1st, and this week marked my 100th day in a row of writing.

    2024-05-11: 📭 On vacation autoresponders and deleting email

    2024-05-10: 🐍 TIL build-and-inspect-python-package GitHub Action workflow plus some bonus Nox + Tox

    2024-05-09: 📚 African tech book drive at PyCon US

    2024-05-08: 👥 Office Hours on May 10th

    2024-05-07: 🎸 Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at Liberty Hall

    2024-05-06: 🌪️ Tornado Watch tonight

    “Me” time

    Early Saturday morning, I wrote a podcast downloader script to make downloading podcast episodes easier. I like to run some of my favorite podcast episodes through MacWhisper to generate a transcript to take better notes.

    Saturday evening, I wired up Fabric to connect to my Macs to update them and run various Just recipes to keep everything updated. I ran into a few issues with my .bashrc file, but it was a good enough MVP.


    📺 Space Jam: A New Legacy: My oldest has gotten into basketball and this was a fun family movie.

    📺 Dead Boy Detectives: I didn’t have high expectations for this series, but watching two ghosts solve mysteries was fun.

    🎮 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge: We hadn’t played this one in a while, so we primarily focused on leveling up the two new characters from the expansion.

    Next week

    I leave for PyCon US on Wednesday and have a small mountain of things to finish between now and then. I finished my laundry tonight, so I can leisurely pack over the next few days.

    Sunday May 12, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📓 Weeknotes for Week 15: April 8 to April 14


    The mowing season has officially kicked off. I mowed our yard for the first time this year on the highest setting because our grass seemed to have grown a foot in a week in several places since I fertilized it last weekend. I also trimmed and removed leaves and branches from the yard. I was rewarded by a late afternoon migraine, but lucked out and only lasted for a few hours.

    I finally broke out my miter saw and portable workbench and made room for it in the garage. As I fixed one of the beams that held up the front porch, I realized the water damage was much worse than I thought. It was only held up by one beam, so I’m glad I didn’t put off fixing it any longer. The new support is now fixed, primed, and ready for some wood filler in the holes with a fresh coat of paint to be applied.

    My son was an excellent helper this weekend, spending most of Sunday following me around and helping. We also went to a Lawrence fixture Cotton’s Hardware store to get some grass seed, windshield wiper fluid, and a replacement garden hose.

    My daughter discovered a new Batman cartoon and spent Sunday shouting, “I am the night” and “I am Batman” as well as any two-year-old can.


    It was a busy work week, juggling two client projects. We had a client demo and then a design handoff, in which we now have to turn a static PHP website into a fully working Django website.


    Django Code of Conduct WG: I spent more time than expected this week helping with this. We were down to just me, and now we have at least three, soon four, and soon more people to help out.

    Django Packages was accepted as a Djangonaut Space project, so I spent time preparing for some June deadlines.

    Trailhawks: I met with my running club’s new President, and we discussed some changes to help get everything ready for the new 2024 racing season.

    DEFNA: I walked the board through the conference budget, what to look for, and how to know how we are doing.

    Conference Chats: We had our monthly Wednesday night meetup.

    Office Hours: I hosted a Friday session.

    Side projects

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #227.

    Django News Jobs: I refactored some of my django-fsm states with a few different workflows to automate importing jobs via the aggregator.


    I wrote and published every day.

    2024-04-14🧱 Dear Tech Companies: Two-year-old edition 

    2024-04-13🙋 How often do you use Django’s startproject and startapp? 

    2024-04-12📅 Office Hours on April 19th 

    2024-04-11📌 On leaving Pinboard, aka Raindrop, is better 🤷 

    2024-04-10🐛 Production bugs happen to everyone 

    2024-04-09📋 Copy All Urls browser extension 

    2024-04-08🐳 Docker and OrbStack disk cleanup notes 

    “Me” time

    I spent a night deep diving on Simon’s Building files-to-prompt entirely using Claude 3 Opus article, which meant registering a paid Claude account, paying for API access, and spending $0.50 to try everything out.

    The results were better than expected, but the AI bar is still pretty low. It helped write tests and some light refactors, but it’s mostly a copy-and-paste-to-refactor tool vs. a write-out working code tool.


    📺 Fallout is excellent and worthy of all the praise.

    📺 X-Men ‘97 is a nostalgic ’90s throwback cartoon. If I hadn’t watched this series as a teenager, I’m not sure I would have liked it as an adult.

    🎮 Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons - Sacred Reunion: My son and I picked up the DLC and started playing this weekend. The game is fun but only has five levels, which is a bit short. We can beat it in one session, which is nice, but the DLC improves on the original with a survival mode, which we liked a lot.

    Next week

    More work. More house projects. More office hours. More community projects. Figure out my PyCon US plans.

    Monday April 15, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    📖 Weeknotes for Week 14: April 1 to April 7


    I skipped last week’s update because we spent Easter weekend with my family and ~6 hours in the car with the kids.

    We went to our favorite local nursery, Vinland Valley Nursery, to pick up some new Hostas and other heartier plants since April is still a bit early for planting flowers because we typically have a few late freezes through Spring. We planted everything, and I fertilized the lawn to prepare it for the season.

    I unboxed and assembled my portable workbench and miter saw. My miter saw shipped with everything but the manual, and by the time I found one and printed it, it was time for me to make dinner. I cooked burgers on the outdoor griddle for the first time this year.


    I observed Good Friday on Monday and then worked a full day on Saturday to keep up with two client projects.


    My community cup was overflowing this week:

    • Monthly DEFNA Board of Directors meeting
    • Biweekly PSF Conduct WG meeting
    • I interviewed with Djangonauts to see if Django Packages was a good fit for a future session.
    • I joined one of Wiggle Work’s lunch sessions.
    • I joined Conference Chat’s Friday session over lunch.
    • I hosted Office Hours for my first meeting back in a month.
    • I am working on rebooting the DSF’s Code of Conduct WG and getting it back up to a healthy number of people.
    • I attended half a day of PyCascades

    Side projects

    Mastermind group: A friend invited me to attend their monthly Mastermind business group, which was interesting. We set some goals for next month.

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #226.

    Django News Jobs: I wrote up a few new features, including potentially moving the project to Django FSM, which might save me a few headaches. I’m also debating a new feature to bring Company Endorsements into the listings.

    Django Packages: Security updates. I gave Ryan some reviews on an upcoming profile/extra links feature he’s working on. It’s pretty cool. I drafted a few issues for some potential new feature ideas.

    Upgrade Django: I bumped to list the latest few Django releases.


    I wrote and published every day.

    2024-04-06🚜 Refactoring and fiddling with Django migrations for pending pull requests 🐘 

    2024-04-05⛳ Syncing Django Waffle feature flags 

    2024-04-04⬆️ The Upgrade Django project 

    2024-04-03🚀 Mise is really fast 

    2024-04-02TIL: Brandolini’s law

    2024-04-01🔥 An update on OpenSSF’s XZ fumble 

    “Me” time

    Even though March is over, March Madness continues, and I enjoyed two more weekends of Men’s and Women’s basketball. I took first place in my women’s bracket this week. My son tied for #2 and was excited about it tonight.

    While I am in first place for my men’s bracket, they play tomorrow (Monday), and the team I picked to win lost last weekend. So I will only win this year if there is a team fight and both teams forfeit. So there is still a chance.

    Next week

    I should have mowed today and made another pass at removing sticks and leaves accumulated over the Spring. So I suspect we’ll spend some time outside doing that next week.

    It’s also time to break out the miter finally saw and spend half a day replacing old boards, repairing fences, and getting my money’s worth out of it.

    Sunday April 7, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    Weeknotes for Week 11: March 11 to March 17


    This week was Spring Break for both of my kids. My son had all week off, while my daughter had Thursday and Friday off. My son was also sick and hanging out with me the first two days of the week instead of getting to go to day camp.

    I worked on several house projects, including cleaning our smoker and outdoor griddle. I didn’t winterize our smoker nearly as well as I thought I had, so it took me much longer to clean than it should have.

    Sunday was cold and windy, so I couldn’t do as much outside as I planned.


    I spent most of my week working on the green field project again.

    I also hosted a rather minute(ish) Office Hours session again.


    I had two DjangoCon US meetings this week. One is to discuss our online experience, and the other is to kick off our new website and eventual new website framework.

    Side projects

    I spent most of my side project time on Django News, Django News Jobs, and Django Packages. I also upgraded several project configs to use some new uv options.

    Django Packages: We updated our profiles to drop support for Google Code and add Bitbucket and GitLab profiles.

    Trailhawks: My local running club’s website has been running on Django since 2009. I upgraded the project from Django 3.2 to 5.0 and to Python 3.1x, including upgrading two outdated third-party packages to Python 3.1x and Django 5. I also changed one of our race websites to Tailwind CSS, which has been in flight for a while.

    Django Packages: We released an update to our profiles to drop support for Google Code and to add Bitbucket and GitLab profiles. I also broke the website with a wsgi change, which I quickly found a fixed.

    **django-startproject: ** I updated django-startproject project to have better support for uv.

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #223.


    I wrote and published every day.

    2024-03-17🍕 On tortilla pizza 

    2024-03-16🏡 On Gardening 

    2024-03-15Five for Friyay 

    2024-03-14Python’s UV tool is even better 

    2024-03-13On environment variables and dotenv files 

    2024-03-12Completed, finished, or done 

    2024-03-11My Python Roots 

    “Me” time

    🏀 I watched Kansas get swept in the first round of the Big 12 tournament because our best two players were out with injuries. I set aside time on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons to watch some conference tournaments, but they were all blowouts.

    Next week

    🚸 My kids are back in school, and our schedules return to regular routines.

    🪚 I have more rot repair, and I now have a compound miter saw to cut wood for framing and fixing things. I had to order a portable workbench to attach the miter saw in mid-week.

    🏀 Next week also starts the NCAA tournament, a sign that the third basketball season has begun. I am taking two days off to enjoy the madness, and I suspect this will be most of my weekend, too.

    👟 I should have to get the other half of the Trailhawks website out the door.

    Monday March 18, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    Weeknotes 2024 W10

    We were reminded that Winter is still here this week, starting with warmer weather and ending with colder.


    My oldest was out two days this week at parent-teacher conferences, and next week, he has off for Spring Break. He missed his last basketball practice and game because he’s had a bug for a few days with a runny nose and a low fever that keeps coming back.

    My youngest child is firmly in the four to six-word sentence phase. We are up to our eyeballs in potty training, and my daughter’s new favorite phrase is, “No, not yet,” when you suggest we try again.

    The kid’s grandfather drove down from Chicago to spend the weekend with us.

    I picked up Oliver’s bug on Saturday and spent it more down than up, so my new compound miter saw sat in the box all weekend.


    We are a few weeks into a new client project, and that’s led to several refactors and working with newer tools, including Pydantic and Django Ninja for Model Schemas. I also expect to spend much time in Tailwind CSS land soon.


    We had our monthly DEFNA meeting, elected officers, and discussed upcoming announcements.

    I had a PSF Code of Conduct WG meeting that conflicted with morning kid drop-offs, but I could join for the last 15 to 20 minutes to help them make a quorum so we could vote to pass a few things.

    I only had time to join the first half of one Wiggle Work event this week over lunch.

    This week, I hosted Office Hours.

    Side projects

    I spent most of my side project time on Django News, Django News Jobs, and Django Packages and upgraded several projects to the latest Django 5.0.x security release and Python 3.12 releases. I also moved several projects to use uv Python package manager, including Django Packages and Django News Jobs, which shaves minutes off of build times.

    Django News Newsletter: We shipped issue #222.

    I started on a Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS conversion tool after noticing that several popular tools last updated 3 to 6 years ago. I can brute force about 90% of it, but I have also meant to play around with cssutils for a while. With cssutils, I think it might be possible to read from the various Bootstrap CSS versions and match up to some Tailwind CSS classes by comparing them via their CSS output.


    I wrote and published every day.

    2024-03-09Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS 

    2024-03-08🎮 Dave the Diver 

    2024-03-07How to test with Django, parametrize, and lazy fixtures 

    2024-03-06Importing data with Django Ninja’s ModelSchema 

    2024-03-05Upgrading Python from 3.11 to 3.12 notes 

    2024-03-04On pip isolation 

    2024-03-03The Weekend Woodworker 🪚

    “Me” time

    🏀 I watched two Kansas Basketball games, a bunch of random men’s and primarily women’s games.

    Next week

    I have more rot repair, and I now have a compound miter saw to make cutting wood for framing much more manageable.

    My oldest is off with spring break, so our morning routines start 10 minutes later and last about 40 minutes longer.

    Next week also starts the Big 12 Men’s tournament, a sign that the second and third basketball seasons are beginning. I usually take a day off for the start of the Big 12 tournament, and I take a few days off for March Madness.

    Sunday March 10, 2024
  • Weeknotes

    🤔 I’m unsure if or how long I will keep this up in 2024, but I thought I’d end my week/year by publishing some Weeknotes.


    Friday December 29, 2023